The Howie Holmes “In Light of Eternity” Alumni Award
We are pleased to share that beginning in 2022, the life and legacy of our beloved FCS teacher, coach, co-worker, and friend, Howie Holmes will be honored by bestowing to an FCS alum The Howie Holmes “In Light of Eternity” Alumni Award.
Howie Holmes taught Bible and Science, coached athletes, and led many mission trips while at Fredericksburg Christian School from 1989 – 2007. In his last years, he continued his ministry by pastoring Providence Bible Church in Culpeper. Howie’s engaging personality, humble spirit, and commitment to the Lord deeply affected those who knew him.
One aspect of Howie Holmes’ legacy to his FCS family is a challenge of which he reminded us often. He often asked his students, athletes, and co- workers to consider whether or not our actions, words, or worries mattered “in light of eternity.” Howie’s life was a testament to that challenge, and those around him were blessed and encouraged to be a witness to it.
In honor of Howie Holmes’ legacy here at FCS, we choose to honor an alum whose life exemplifies the calling to live their life “in light of eternity” within their family, careers, and community.
This year’s honorees are Samuel Kang ’99 and Kristen (Fauver) Kang ’01. Sam and Kristen are in full time ministry in Atlanta, Georgia where they serve as leaders at Reconcile Church. Their nomination was submitted by Catherine (Strode) Parks ’01:
“While full-time Christian ministry is not the only way to live in light of eternity, Sam and Kristen Kang have dedicated their lives to seeing God’s kingdom transform the lives of those around them. I know Howie’s life had an immense impact on them both as Sam served on staff at Howie’s church, and that impact is seen in the way they have leveraged their talents and love for people to build a community dedicated to loving Christ and seeking unity and restoration.
Whether planting a church fueled by a gospel love for all people or discipling their children, Sam and Kristen live with an intentionality that embodies seeking the things above. They prioritize not what is easy, but what truly matters.”
Congratulations Sam and Kristen on receiving this honor!