Technology, Truth, and Teaching
A letter from the Superintendent.
These three nouns are explosively relevant to the raising of our children today, are they not? Like it or not, technology impacts directly the lives of your children and our parenting. Teaching is what happens to our children every day; whether it is by the parent, with a classroom teacher, or on social media. And truth is the great variable in all of that learning that is taking place in the minds and hearts of our children; all day, every day. Are they receiving truth from every source? If they are not receiving truth, are they being taught how to identify truth from untruth?
This issue lies at the core of who God has called us to be, and what He has called us to do at FCS. As you read about several of our alumni in this issue, you will see that most of them are walking a God-honoring path in their lives. It may not be completely because of their time at FCS, but we think being at FCS played a part. Most of these alumni would tell you that at FCS they were not just taught truth, they were also taught to discern truth. One can only teach discernment when one teaches truth. Think about it. In our Christian School we have the unique opportunity to teach absolute truth, and this is a very important distinction between us and non-Christian schools. If we did not teach truth, we could not teach children how to discern it when they encounter untruths. Then, what kind of alumni would be representing Christ and FCS in this world? How would our children know how to navigate through the information overload that technology brings if we are not intentional about teaching that stewardship like we do at FCS?
As you read about FCS alumni, FCS technology, and FCS missions in this issue of Engage, contemplate with me, if you will, the impact of these three things on our children: Technology, Truth, and Teaching. And then ask yourself, “Is there a context or program, other than in a Christian School like FCS, in which we should be training our children?” Like you, I cannot think of one. Thank God we have FCS and each other to shepherd our children so that they are “more than conquerors through Him that loves us.”