Senior, Savannah Webb- Student Blog Post
For the past few weeks now, I haven’t been able to shake the feeling that I’m missing out on something. I suppose I’ve felt cheated out of “the high school experience.” I’ve repeatedly dwelt on everything I won’t get to do—Senior Gala, Disney, Graduation. Even the thought of not finishing the summer countdown on VH’s board crossed my mind. All of these miserable realizations made me feel just that. Miserable.
So instead of moping, I made a list of all the things I do get to experience during this hiccup in my plans. It looked a lot like this:
- Waking up whenever I please (<<my personal favorite)
- Late night calls with friends
- Being able to go outside during the daytime
- Playing games & talking with my family
- And more…
After reminding myself of the good, I realized that this is more than a “hiccup” and it isn’t my plan at all. God is good, and He is good all the time. His plan is better than the best one any of us could write, and I will forever stand by that statement.
However, I do have to admit… this is still hard. I miss my friends. So. Much. The fact that I didn’t know my last day of high school was going to be my last day of high school hurts. None of this is what I expected. And yet, somehow in the midst of these deafening troubles, I hear the echoes of the good that has already come from this.
The Virginia weather has provided for some very nice days that I get to enjoy outside. I get more time with my family before I head off to college in the fall. My teachers reach out weekly to see how their students are holding up. My friends check in with each other constantly, and I feel so cared for by so many.
Social distancing may be in effect, but I have never felt so close with the people I love.
I have no idea why COVID-19 is here, but I know that there’s a reason. A reason that goes far beyond my comprehension. I know that this pandemic will not last forever and that in the grand scheme of things, these months will only be a distant memory.
* * *
With all this time on my hands, I’ve taken a few strolls down memory lane. Per usual, hindsight is 20/20 and I am finally noticing some of the most overlooked blessings high school has given me. For the past four years, I have been so focused on making it to the finish line that I am just now getting the chance to appreciate the mile markers I passed along the way.
To all the underclassmen who feel like high school will never end: It will. Don’t waste your time wishing it all away. Cheer at the football games, go to the Christmas Party, don’t miss Gala (even if you think it’s overrated). Smile in the hallways and make friends with people you wouldn’t expect to. Take fun classes and talk to your teachers. You’ll find that they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. One day, these four years will be over, and it’ll surprise you to know which parts of it you’ll miss. High school may not be the only thing to life or the best, but nonetheless, don’t take it for granted.
To my Seniors,
We made it. Not in the way we expected, but at least we’re here now. We are officially graduating as the class of 2020 and regardless of where we go next, this school is where we came from. Like it or not, we will always be linked together by this year and a hodgepodge of memories. As the saying that forever echoes down the hallway goes… “It’s a great day to be an eagle.” Always.