16 Christian Values to Consider When Choosing a School
Do you want your child to embrace Christian values? Are you wondering how your school choice can help? Maybe you feel like Christian author and parent, Andrea Palpant Dilley, who shares:
“…as a parent, I’m subject to the great complexity of trying to steward a little person who happens to be an eternal human being.”
Ultimately, Andrea and her husband chose a Christian school for their daughter. Do you wonder whether a Christian school is a good choice for your family?
Does the school share your mission?
Look at the mission statement of the school to see if the school’s goals match your values and show that the school is dedicated to teaching Christian character and biblical truths in all areas. The school should seek to develop students with lifelong Christian worldviews and core Christian values like:
- Glorifying God
- Pursuing personal holiness
- Being honest
- Pursuing excellence in everything
- Being a servant to others
- Forgiving other people as God forgives us
Look for curriculum that teaches Christian values.
An excellent Christian school curriculum teaches both the Bible and how the truths of Scripture apply to daily life. The integration of Bible truths should reach across all subject areas. In addition, a Christian school should provide an opportunity for Chapel where students can hear Bible truths as a community.
Expect the school to teach:
- Bible stories and Christian history
- Memorizing Scripture
- Bible songs and worship
- Classic Christian literature
- Practical Christian living
Children need exciting school experiences and routines.
Children will enjoy school and participate more when they have interesting field trips, special school events, and coordinated curriculum units that allow them to concentrate on learning a subject thoroughly. Children also find school more exciting when they are allowed to take on leadership roles. Look for school opportunities that allow children to be leaders in Chapel and other activities. See how children are encouraged to be leaders as they learn to live out their faith on a daily basis.
A place where Christian values are modeled by teachers.
At a Christian school, students have teachers who model behaviors and beliefs you train your children to embrace at home. Teachers can use Scripture as the basis of classroom rules and policy and can help children see how the Bible has real value in practical daily living.
The school environment promotes Christian values.
Your child spends many hours at school and the environment is important. Christian schools have the chance to mold the environment to model Christ-like behavior by having parent-teacher contracts. At Fredericksburg Christian School parents agree to:
- Be actively engaged in their children’s education
- Agree that the Bible is the guide for daily living
- Support the school and students through prayer and positive attitude
- Commit to the principle of sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman
- Handle conflicts according to the Matthew 18 principle
A Christian education is priceless.
Raising your child to follow God is a great responsibility. Christian schools and teachers can be your partners in molding and shaping this eternal being for the glory of God. Christian educator Charles Walker describes many of the benefits of Christian education and concludes:
“The joy received from watching a child grow academically and mature in the Lord makes all the effort, all the time, all the money worth it.”