Christian School Curriculum: What’s The Difference?
Is there really any major difference between Christian school curriculum and secular school curriculum? The short answer is yes, there absolutely is. When choosing a Christian school for your child, you are choosing both an excellent education and excellent values. Each lesson is not just about the books, but about where that information fits within the scope of God’s Word. When you look at it in this light, Christian school curriculum actually takes a much more holistic approach than most secular programs do, integrating information, morals, values, and critical thinking into every nook and cranny. Here are some key differences to be aware of:
Christian School Curriculum
1. Christian school curriculum revolves around the Word of God.
From math and science, to art and humanities, every aspect of Christian education is cast in the light of God’s Word. Your children won’t just learn the basic building blocks of academics, but how those building blocks support and uphold the ultimate truth of the Bible. A Christian school curriculum functions under the knowledge of an omnipotent Creator, and all the information taught thereof will reflect that central focus.
2. Christian school curriculum teaches values.
A unique aspect of Christian school curriculum is that it doesn’t just teach academics, but instills healthy morals and values in students as well. A Christian curriculum will integrate the teachings of Jesus into every subject, communicating love, grace, and acceptance with every word and every teacher/student interaction. A great Christian school will provide students with a top-notch education, and help them develop a Christ-centered moral compass. The best Christian schools produce Christ-like students who are empowered to go out into the world and make it a better place with their love and compassion.
3. Christian school curriculum encourages critical thinking.
An excellent Christian school will be careful to integrate critical thinking into every aspect of their curriculum. This will ensure that students aren’t just told what to believe, but know why they believe what they believe. Critical thinking is one of the most essential life skills that students must develop to be successful, and great Christian schools are leading the charge in incorporating these skills into every classroom setting.
4. Christian curriculum leads with grace.
Christians should exemplify grace and mercy in all they do, and a carefully-crafted Christian school curriculum will communicate this in every area of learning. This makes a Christian school the ideal place for any student to learn, regardless of religious background or upbringing. A top-notch Christian curriculum will encourage every student to learn, grow, and become the best person they can possibly be through the grace and love of Jesus Christ.
If you’re interested in sending your child to Christian school, contact us today! We would love to speak with you.