Let’s make this work.

The purpose of the variable tuition program is to make Christian education accessible to more families, by providing a reduced rate. We base reduced rates on each family’s specific financial situation. Variable tuition is a need-based financial aid structure – similar to those used by other private schools, colleges, and universities. Any family with children in Kindergarten or above in need of assistance may apply.

Factors like income, family circumstances, and the cost of living in the Fredericksburg region are reviewed by a third party: FACTS Grant & Aid. Each request is then reviewed by the FCS Financial Aid Committee, who makes the final award. Currently, 71% of our students receive a reduced tuition due to either variable tuition or one of the other discounts we offer (multiple child, advanced pay, alumni, or employee discount). 

Variable Tuition – Application Process

The 2025-2026 school entrance application must be completed before variable tuition assistance is considered. 

Before you begin your application on the FACTS Grant & Aid website, you’ll want to have applied for the students and grade levels needed and have the following documents ready. They will need to be uploaded to FACTS Grant & Aid to supplement your application.

  1. Completed 2024 Federal Tax Return including all supporting tax schedules
  2. 2024 W-2 forms for all individuals listed on the tax return
  3. Documentation for Social Security income and Child Support
  4. A letter written to the Variable Tuition Review Committee about your financial circumstances, including the amount that you feel that you can pay monthly
FACTS Grant & Aid Phone  |   1-866-412-4637
A processing fee of $45 will be required to submit your Variable Tuition application.

Variable Tuition – Important Dates

Application Completion DateAward Notification Letter Mailed
By March 15, 2025By April 30, 2025
By April 15, 2025By May 31, 2025
By May 15, 2025By June 30, 2025
After May 15, 2025 – Applications subject to closingContact the Business Office

Children’s Tuition Fund

When you apply for variable tuition, your application will also be evaluated to see if your family is eligible to receive assistance through the Children’s Tuition Fund. You can learn more about this program by clicking the button below.