Seventh Grade Curriculum Guide

An Effective Seventh Grade Educational Pathway

At Fredericksburg Christian School, our mission is to train the next generation of Christian leaders, therefore it is vital that we offer them the best academic program possible in keeping with God’s excellent character and expectations. This curriculum guide is intended to provide an overview of the program at each grade level in order for you to understand what students are taught each year at FCS.

As part of our partnership with parents, we desire for you to be informed and involved in your child’s education. You are encouraged to talk with the school’s principal or a teacher of a particular grade level for more in- formation.

Curriculum Design

Authentic biblical worldview integration is central to the curriculum at FCS. Our desire is for students to view every subject area as a way to better know the character of God and learn more about His creation, mankind, moral order and purpose for our lives. Both Christian and secular textbooks are used to develop in students a biblical worldview and teach them wisdom, discernment and critical thinking in all things.

Ultimately, the quality of our curriculum rests in the skillful hands of teachers and is an outgrowth of their commitment to Christian education and excellence in academics. Luke 6:40 says that one who is fully trained will be like his teacher; this is a sobering challenge for every teacher and reminds us of our incredible calling to point to Christ in every area, including our school curriculum.

Our areas of study include:

A Christian Education in Seventh Grade

We are committed to the study of God’s Word in all our subjects and its application to our lives as the foundation for living a joyful, victorious Christian life. Daily Bible class is an important part of spiritual development at FCS. We ultimately desire that every student discover and strengthen a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and develop a biblical worldview.

At the seventh grade level, students participate in a survey of the New Testament and discover the themes and characters of the New Testament.

All parents are welcome to attend our weekly chapels for worship and sharing about God’s Word and its application to our lives.

Core Classes

  • Language Arts
    • Students thoroughly study the structure of sentences including parts of speech, types of sentences, grammar, usage and mechanics. Opportunities are given regularly to write about a variety of topics and improve students’ ability to communicate with words. Effective paragraph writing and research skills are emphasized and often integrated with other subject areas.
    • A variety of literature is read and utilized to develop increased literacy, comprehension and critical thinking skills. Literature concepts studied and novels read at the seventh grade level include The 21 Balloons, short stories, poetry, Shakespeare, and Through the Gates of Splendor and Early Thunder.
    • Spelling and vocabulary development are integrated with the study of literature. Greek and Latin roots and their application to word spellings and meanings are studied in sixth and seventh grades.
    • Students are also given the opportunity to participate in the ACSI Spelling Bee and Creative Writing Festival every year.
  • History
    • During seventh grade students complete a chronological study of world history using Bob Jones Heritage Studies in order to recognize God’s providence and sovereignty in world events. Geography and current events concepts are integrated throughout the year.
  • Science
    • Students explore a variety of life science topics using Bob Jones curriculum. Creation is taught in accordance with the account in Genesis, and other issues in science are studied in light of biblical principles. Hands-on learning opportunities and emphasis on the Scientific Method are a regular part of science class.
  • Mathematics
    • The study of mathematics provides unique opportunities to learn about God’s orderliness, precision, unchangeableness and absolute truthfulness. Emphasis is placed in several key strands: numbers and operations, measurement, geometry, patterns, algebra and functions, statistics, data analysis and probability, problem solving, communication, mathematical reasoning, and connections. Yearly participation in the ACSI Math Olympics allows an opportunity for students in third through eighth grades to compete with students in other Christian schools and challenge themselves to grow in their math ability. Students in seventh grade use the McDougal Littell curriculum.


  • Physical Education
    • Students attend Physical Education class for half the year. They learn to appreciate the amazing abilities of the human body and are taught the importance of care of the body. Students also learn and practice skills in a variety of team, individual and lifetime sports.
  • Band and Orchestra
    • The main emphasis of the instrumental program at FCS is to provide a medium through which musicianship and social skills can be formed through a well-rounded music education. This encompasses a basic knowledge of music history and music theory in addition to technical and expressive skill in the student’s respective instrument, while participating in various concert performances and competitive festivals throughout the year.
    • Students with knowledge and experience in a musical instrument may participate in the Middle School Orchestra or the Middle School Band.
  • Art
    • Students can attend art class for either a portion of the year or the full-year. They explore the foundational elements of line, shape, space, texture and color. An annual Visual Arts Festival highlights each student’s artwork.
  • Choir
    • Choir for middle school students is an opportunity to develop their musical talents and honor the Lord by sharing them with others. Students in choir meet every day to explore basic techniques of singing and vocal production, expand their score reading skills and understanding of musical elements, develop personal vocal range, tone, control and listening skills, and perform a variety of types of music. The choir performs concerts, competes in festivals and sings in other venues throughout the year.
  • Computer Class
    • Students attend computer class for a portion of the year and use a variety of programs to complete projects in technology basics, digital citizenship, presentations, and word processing. Students also continue keyboarding which includes learning correct fingering and daily practice to improve proficiency.
  • Foreign Language
    • Students have the opportunity to attend foreign language classes. Students learn basic vocabulary words and phrases in a semester each of Introduction to French and Introduction to Spanish.



Learn more about our Seventh Grade program at Fredericksburg Christian School

If you are interested in learning more about a biblically-based education in northern Virginia, where students can live their faith while growing in their education, give us a call at (540) 373-5355.