FCS Annual Fund Letter
Dear FCS Family and Friends,
This year, Fredericksburg Christian School embarks on its 37th year of providing quality education to our students. We are so blessed to have this school, especially in the everchanging world in which we live. We are thankful for a place where administrators, faculty, and parents work together to provide a challenging academic program within a Christian environment.
There are two great heroes of the Christian School . . . the teacher and the student, and we need your help to minister to both. We need assistance to increase teacher salaries in recognition of their heroic efforts every day. We also need help with tuition assistance so a decidedly Christian education can be within reach of more Christian families in our area. We are pleased to report that we granted more tuition assistance in the 2015–16 school year than ever before, but we need your support to continue to make this dream a reality for many families.
The Annual Fund is our highest priority fundraiser at Fredericksburg Christian School. Each gift provides an immediate and direct benefit to students and faculty. The Annual Fund provides the funds needed to bridge the gap between the tuition our families pay and the actual cost of education. Through your gifts to the Annual Fund, great things can happen in the lives of our teachers, students and families. We have all seen how the simple, loving actions of one child, one parent, or one teacher can make a remarkable difference. Think for a moment about the boy who offered his meager lunch to Jesus. His spontaneous action was blessed and multiplied to feed thousands. In the same way, God multiplies your generous and loving gifts to FCS. If every family would give a tax-deductible gift of $250.00, we would be able to close our gap.
We are grateful that our one true resource, God Himself, has provided people like you to support and encourage us. No matter what the amount, please prayerfully consider being part of this important work.
Blessings to you and your family,
Rick Yost