40 Stories for 40 Years – Former FCS Board Member: Robert “Bob” Duffy
We were saddened by the recent passing of longtime FCS board member, Bob Duffy. Bob was a true model of a servant-leader. In his eulogy on Wednesday, September 25, 2019, superintendent Rick Yost, highlighted how Bob’s focus on the eternal impacted so many for the cause of the Gospel.
“Bob Duffy had a deeper and more genuine sense of eternity than anyone I have ever known. And he lived like he understood it. That is why he poured himself into his family so intentionally and so completely. That is why he treated the people around him, as the eternal beings that we all are: with great warmth and care. That is why he loved his role on the FCS Board…because he saw eternity in the hearts of our students. He knew that anything he could do to lead them to be Christ followers and Kingdom warriors would decisively count for eternity. Many of us realize that if we could only have a consistent, eternal perspective on life, it would change everything for us. Because of his unique anointing and his walk with Christ, Bob had that eternal perspective…and yes, it changed his view of life and it changed everyone around him.
“Bob, you modeled your Savior exceptionally well. We miss you, but you gave all of us what we need to carry on. Go and enjoy your reward, dear friend.”
Click here to read more about Bob Duffy in an Engage Magazine article from 2016.
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