40 Stories for 40 Years – The FCS Story of HIS Story – Gary and Andy Foss
In 1979, a small group of committed Christian parents had a vision of a non‑denominational Christ‑centered school in the Fredericksburg area. While there was interest in the local community of believers, it was difficult to organize any kind of ongoing structure to move forward.
At the same time, a local public school elementary principal–turned Director of Special Education–was becoming increasingly frustrated with the problems and limitations he experienced day after day. In March of 1979, he was called into the superintendent’s office and informed that budget cuts would necessitate the removal of his position. He went home that day without the security of an administrative job, but with anticipation that the Lord was steering him in a brand new direction. Gary Foss and his wife, Andy, were anxious yet excited about where God would lead.
The Fosses’ pastor, Doug Kittredge, along with several fellow members of New Life in Christ Church, encouraged and supported the vision of a thoroughly Christ‑centered school that might appeal to a wide cross‑section of the local Christian community. After much prayer, deliberation, and discussion, it appeared that this was indeed the direction in which God was leading.
A chat over dessert at a First Christian Church banquet was the next experience the Lord used to take the Fosses a step closer to Christian education. Pastor Campbell approached Gary and shared that their church had been considering the possibility of starting a Christian school. They had even visited a school in northern Virginia. When asked what his thoughts were on the matter, Gary replied, “As a matter of fact, Pastor Campbell, we have been thinking along the same lines and believe God is calling us to Christian education.”
As a result of that conversation, God led the congregation of the First Christian Church to open its doors to Fredericksburg Christian School and offer to house its program that first year of 1979‑80. Amazingly, in just five months, God provided a kindergarten teacher (Carole Bolt), a teacher for first and second grade (Andy Foss), a teacher for third through fifth grade (Ginny Yowell), a Bible teacher and tutor (Rose Ann Johnson), a combination administrator‑secretary-