Lower School Building Update
Here’s a quick update on the status of the new Lower School building and site improvements at the Thornton Rolling Road campus. Work on the new building continues at a steady pace and it is exciting to see the building come together so rapidly. Here are a few of the latest highlights.
·The concrete floor has been poured and utilities such as plumbing and electrical are in place.
·Exterior block has been laid on all of the outside walls.
·Metal studs have been installed on the outer walls and panels have been placed to finish enclosing the building.
·Windows have been installed.
·Great progress has been made on installing our heating and air conditioning systems.
·Interior block has been laid to construct most of the interior walls.
With the installation of the wall panels, progress has proceeded at such a rapid pace we had to make two videos to show you the progress as the first one we made was quickly outdated! Visit the links below to view two short videos showing the progress!
Lower School Video #1
Lower School Video #2Some of the upcoming work includes:
·Construction of the covered arrival/dismissal area in front of the school.
·Finishing of the inside space.
·Installation of all new playground equipment and fencing
Last week we shared with Lower School parents, that while we anticipate completion by spring, Lower School students will remain at the Highway Campus for the remainder of this school year and we will officially move in late May after the school year has been completed.
Much of the work on the athletic field complex behind the school, including the parking lot and the road leading to it, has been done. Fields are graded to finished grades and temporary seeding has been done. Work remaining includes fencing, permanent seeding of Bermuda grasses in the spring, construction of field house and press boxes, and building of access pathways.
Thank you for your prayers, your gifts and your support that God is using to do a great thing in our midst!