Education and The Arts
We place a high priority on the arts as an integrated part of our approach to learning.
There have been many studies performed that demonstrate the benefits for students who participate in any type of arts program, whether it’s music, art, or drama.
In a report published by the Centre for Educational Research & Innovation in 2013, entitled Arts for Art’s Sake? The Impact of Arts Education, arts education is shown to be a means of developing both creative and critical thinking. It has also been shown to enhance a student’s performance in non-arts academic subjects, including mathematics, science, reading, and writing, and can even strengthen students’ academic motivation, self-confidence, and ability to communicate and co-operate effectively.
In a similar study done by the Guggenheim titled The Art of Problem Solving, over 400 fifth graders in New York City were carefully studied and evaluated through a two-year program called Learning Through Art. Through a careful evaluation of students from various schools who did and did not participate in the program, the Guggenheim was able to conclude that artistic studies have a profound effect on the problem-solving skills of young students. The results of the Art of Problem Solving found that students in the program performed better in six categories of literacy and critical-thinking skills—including thorough description, hypothesizing and reasoning—than did the students who were not in the program.
Fredericksburg Christian School continues to emphasize the value of the arts—an advantage FCS has over other schools who can no longer afford to offer these important programs to their students.
Music (band, orchestra, and choir), drama, and the visual arts are all part of FCS’s Fine Arts Department. Their approach goes beyond an academic emphasis. “Creativity comes from our Creator” is their motto. They choose to incorporate the spiritual aspects of the arts and honor God in all they do—including the arts.