What Christian Kindergarten Does for Your Child’s Social Skills
A Christian kindergarten is a wonderful environment for a child to learn and grow. It’s a magical time in any child’s development, and social skills are a huge part of that. Perhaps more than anything else, kindergarten is about learning to interact with others in a healthy way. Here are a few key social skills that a Christian kindergarten can uniquely foster in your child.
Christian Kindergarten Teaches Empathy and Compassion
Kindergarten is often the first time that a child spends full school days interacting with their peers. This makes for an ideal training ground to practice empathy and compassion. While these concepts are critical in any kindergarten setting, a Christian kindergarten takes it to the next level. Since children spend each day immersed in the Word of God, compassion and love take on a whole new importance in light of the Gospel. There are perhaps no more important character traits to develop than empathy and compassion, so make sure that they are a priority in your child’s curriculum.
Christian Kindergarten Teaches Selflessness, Sharing, and Taking Turns
While these skills don’t come naturally to many children, kindergarten is a perfect time to learn. These skills are critical for healthy social interaction. Giving and taking with a good attitude is one of the first moral skills children learn. Kindergarten helps them practice through play, friendship, and imagination. Sharing and taking turns develops patience and kindness in young children, fostering a more selfless attitude.
Christian Kindergarten Teaches Resilience and Flexibility
The transition to kindergarten can be a challenge for some children. But the new environment can become a truly nurturing partnership between home and school. Kindergarten teaches resilience and flexibility through instruction, social interaction, and family support. It’s a safe place for children to try something new, fail, and try again. When learning comes through the lens of the unconditional, unfailing love of Jesus Christ, children can learn and grow without fear of making mistakes. They will learn that we all make mistakes, that it’s not the end of the world, and we can always try again.
Come see for yourself what Fredericksburg Christian School can offer your child!