Advanced Academics: Not the Only Key to a Well-Rounded Education
Choosing the right school for your child is a critical decision that will have a lasting impact on your family. While a program that is rooted in Biblical principles will shape the person your child becomes, advanced academics also have a vital role to play.
It’s about more than advanced academics.
Many schools across the country have shifted their concentration toward reading and math. These are critically important subjects, but without fine arts, technology, and physical education, children will miss key skills that enhance their education and actually improve overall academic performance. These subjects cultivate dexterity, creativity, leadership, and ingenuity. Not all well-rounded educational programs prepare children for success in college, careers, and adult life, and that is detrimental to students.
Fredericksburg Christian School recognizes that a well-rounded educational program, centered around advanced academics and paired with an emphasis on biblical truths and Christian character, is the best way to prepare a child for college and life beyond.
Fine Arts: Art, music, and drama are gifts from God. A Fine Arts program should encourage creativity influenced by God. There is also abundant research that proves a direct link between involvement in fine arts and improved academic performance.
Technology: Students should not only learn how to use technology in age-appropriate ways, but also how to handle personal technology in a way that glorifies the Lord and furthers His kingdom. We all know that technology provides essential tools for learning and life, but it also creates some potential pitfalls. A Christian education should help prepare children to keep their integrity and stay safe online.
Athletics: Physical education and athletics provide a means for children to care for the temple that God has provided to them while learning humility and teamwork. Athletics allow them to grow into mature Christian adults and give them a sense of the teamwork essential for their stewardship in the body of Christ.
Providing a christian worldview.
During their formative years, your children will spend nearly as much time in the classroom as they do with you, the parents. One of the benefits of choosing a non-denominational Christian school for your child is the shared values. When teachers and administrators emphasize both traditional, advanced academics and Christian perspectives, educational and spiritual nurturing adds to what parents provide to their children.
Great Christian schools accept and encourage parental involvement and will provide resources for you to continue your children’s academic growth at home. Because the teachers at Fredericksburg Christian School view themselves as not just educators but mentors, you can be assured that your children will receive instruction that will transform their whole person. Students learn reading, writing, and mathematics while also learning how to complete assignments with integrity. While academic excellence is a priority, thinking Biblically is incorporated into every lesson so that your child has the opportunity to thrive – as a world citizen and as a Kingdom citizen.