FCS FAQ 2 for COVID-19

FCS FAQ 2 for COVID-19

What should we have received or picked up so far?

  • Detailed Email from Principal (Email from each campus principal sent 03.16.20)
  • Simple instructions on how to access Google Classroom (attached to detailed principal email sent 03.16.20)
  • Login and password for Google Classroom (Upper School – have it; Lower School – print out in the student materials packet that was picked up 03.17.20)
  • Textbooks, packets from teachers, items from lockers (From campus pick up 03.17.20)
  • Signed out iPads (Lower School – Emily King 03.17.20)
  • Google Classroom Resources (Email from Emily King 03.17.20)
  • Job Aids – simple instructions for help in Google Classroom (Email from Emily King 03.17.20)

How can I get help for my student(s) while they are participating in online learning?
Contact the help desk via email at support@gofcs.freshdesk.com

The Help Desk is available for technology related issues – passwords, accessing or using google services and school technology: Monday – Friday between 8am – 4pm.

Our technology department will answer questions as they are received and will reply within 24 hours but most likely sooner.

Over the weekend, questions will be answered as we are able. If you submit an email after hours, please do not expect an immediate response. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.

WiFi Access
If you are having trouble with website access, please contact the help desk for possible solutions – support@gofcs.freshdesk.com

What if my student needs extra help on their work?
First, reach out to the teacher and see if there is any help they can provide. If more help is needed, the teacher can contact the principal of that student to see how we can provide more help for your student.

Monday 16th – Wednesday 18th – No instruction

Thursday March 19th – Online Instruction begins